Saturday, 12 February 2011

Hare watching

Well, disappointing to report that i have been unable to undertake any photography during the last week, haven't even been able to visit Hare watching site.
Hoped this morning was going to dawn bright and clear but alas rain and leaden skies, went for a run with Indie instead through the woods. have added a pic that really follows on from the previous one i posted.

Friday, 4 February 2011


Spring is in the air out in the natural world, It maybe difficult to leave the warmth of home early on a cold February morning especially before it is even light! but the rewards can be high.
I made a couple of trips to one of my favourite Hare watching areas during the course of the last week to watch and see what was happening in the world of the Brown Hare and was rewarded with views of small groups of Hares interacting such as mate guarding,chasing and a little boxing going on.I am hoping for some bright cold mornings over the coming weeks to try to capture some new and exciting images of these beautiful and entrancing creatures.